किसी भी मोबाइल के Display पर Fingerprint Lock कैसे लगाये | Display Fingerprint Lock on any Phone
Touch LockScreen

Touch LockScreen: Show a cool photograph on my wireless screen and use it as a fast and basic method for opening by contacting explicit places of the photograph!!
The touch lock screen can basically set a “contact secret key” with the hint of explicit situations on my photograph like eyes, nose, mouth, face, or hand.
It gives a high level degree of safety as both “Photograph” and “Contact position” set on the lock screen become a touch secret key.
When others contact the screen on the PDA, a “cautioning” message springs up so no other person can open it.
It shields my wireless loaded up with private monetary information and individual data.
Cool photographs transforming into my cell secret key!!! @@
I can likewise utilize photographs of K-pop stars and their show that I value in my telephone.
Photographs of my sweetheart that I took face to face, the lifetime absolute best, travel photographs, family photographs, and some decent photographs I downloaded from Internet can be utilized as solid secret word too.
I can likewise set my child’s charming photograph on the main screen of my grandma’s mobile phone to involve it as both photograph collection and screen lock.
Accessible to utilize any photograph I need, this is a certifiable photograph contact lock screen~
It is basically done provided that I contact any position I need on my preferred photograph. Lock screen viable with any adaptation of cell
Shockingly, this straightforward and strong new security innovation is viable with low-end and old cell phones as long as their screens are contact mindful.
Touch LockScreen
Since I can straightforwardly set the “contact secret word” on my cherished photograph, my PDA turns out to be a lot simpler to use notwithstanding its adornment impact.
There is no burden of setting a different secret phrase on my telephone once I set the photograph secret word. This is on the grounds that lock screen’s touch position itself capacities as a solid secret key.
This initially presented “Contact Lock Screen” is a licensed innovation utilizing realistic verification.
Security is without a doubt solid.
An imaginative method for abstaining from presenting secret phrase to others while entering the “Contact Password”! It is on the grounds that It just accompanies the touch-lock screen.
Would it be a good idea for me to be worried about the likelihood that main contacting photographs makes my telephone helpless against specific security breaks, for example, an endeavor to break my telephone’s secret key by figure or accidental secret word openness to other people? No compelling reason to stress.
There is an innovation concealed inside the touch lock screen that keeps others from discovering what really makes up the “contact secret word” during its utilization. The secret key is not really perceptible regardless of whether it is shown intentionally.
This enchanted like innovation, which is being presented without precedent for the world, is additionally licensed innovation.